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Project launch: 2020
In spring 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic posed new challenges for the education system. The pandemic impacted the core of school and teaching, namely the mediation of knowledge and the promotion of pupils’ professional and transdisciplinary competence, but it also affected school life as a space of encounters, socialization, integration and personal development. In order to ensure pupils’ learning as well as their wellbeing, schools were confronted with diverse challenges, including managing teachers’ and pupils’ varying familiarity with digital platforms, acquiring missing resources, making distance teaching materials available, providing feedback possibilities to support pupils, communicating with pupils and theirs parents in the context of distance teaching, or realizing school under risk conditions.
The S-CLEVER study’s aim is to investigate the experiences that schools have made with regard to these unusual circumstances. The study will focus on their action strategies, on the changes that have taken place during and following school closure and also on the effects of these changes on the development of the school and its pupils.
The study begins with a questionnaire targeted at school leaders of compulsory primary and lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools. School leaders will be questioned three times by means of online questionnaires during the academic year 2020/2021 (each of which take approximately 30 minutes to complete). Participation is voluntary. The data collected will be evaluated anonymously under strict data protection guidelines. Then, should the respective schools prove to be interested, the study will expand to teaching staff and specialists, as well as ultimately to pupils.