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Institute of Education


Core issues

We are primarily interested in the following issues:

Key terms


Core issue

Equality of opportunity


Reduction of educational disadvantages and promotion of equal opportunity in the education system

School improvement  

Quality improvement of school and teaching, and promotion of the teaching staff’s professional competences



Steering and quality improvement of the education system



Promotion of pupils’ learning competence

Central research questions

  • How do students’ cognitive, metacognitive and motivational competencies develop into adulthood?
  • How do institutional and individual factors influence the competencies, motivations and emotions of students and teachers?
  • How can optimal education and learning processes for students and teachers be made possible?
  • What role do students, teachers, school administrations, parents or school authorities play in shaping schools?

Our ongoing research projects

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The central aim of our work

The central aim is to use the findings of research to improve the quality of concrete school practices and of the education system, so that inequalities in education can be reduced and equality of opportunity promoted.