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Here you can find all information about the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral degree programs in Educational Science as well as the Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education in the teaching subjects Educational Science and Psychology at the Institute of Education. Please note that the curriculum is generally offered in German. Only at the Master's level, there are occasional elective modules in English.
In the Bachelor’s degree programs Educational science and Educational Science and Psychology, students acquire basic knowledge of educational theories and methods. Detailed information can be found in the general and specific information on the BA programs.
In the consecutive and complementary Master’s programs Educational Science, Educational Science and Psychology, Economic Education, and Education in the Life Course, students are able to specialize in a subject according to their interests and focus on educational science topics in greater depth. For detailed information, please refer to the general and specific information on MA programs.
A degree in Educational Science or in Educational Science and Psychology also offers a good basis for becoming a teacher of education and psychology at an upper secondary Baccalaureate school (i.e., Swiss gymnasium/Matura school). In order to teach at the upper secondary level, aspiring teachers are required to complete pedagogical training and obtain the Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education in addition to their specific subject studies. The Master of Arts in Education and Psychology enables direct admission to the diploma examination without having to complete any additional courses.