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Institute of Education

Sascha Schneider

Sascha Schneider, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor für Educational Technology / Professor of Educational Technology
+41 44 634 66 71
Kantonsschulstrasse 3, 8001 Zürich
Room number

Sascha Schneider's research focuses on the question of how learning media can be designed to improve learning. Methodologically, experiments are conducted and analyzed or data are meta-analytically evaluated. Prof. Schneider's research focuses on cognitive, emotional, motivational, social and metacognitive processes in learning with digital media such as text- and image-based websites, animations, videos, but also interactive media such as learning video games and augmented and virtual reality environments. However, the focus is not only on teaching-learning processes, but also on retrieval processes that become necessary when working on learning tasks but also quizzes.

Sascha Schneider studied Educational Science and English as Bachelor and Educational Technology and Continuing Education as Master. In his dissertation he investigated the effects of decorative images on learning with media. In his postdoctoral thesis, he focused on the effect of choice as an autonomy enhancer and motivator in digital learning environments.


Since 2022 Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at the Institute of Education, University of Zurich.
2022 Degree: Habilitation in Educational Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Since 2019 Enrolled doctoral student (second doctorate) in psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg, Germany
2019 - 2022 Research Associate (100%, Post-Doc) at the Chair of Psychology of Digital Learning Media, Institute for Media Research, Chemnitz University of Technology (50% deferment)
2018 Research Associate (50%, Post-Doc) at the Chair of Psychology of Digital Learning Media, Institute for Media Research, TU Chemnitz
Representative for Media Didactics (50%) in the BMBF-project "Teaching Practice in Transfer plus (LiT+)" at the Prorectorate for Teaching and International Affairs
2017 – 2018 Research assistant (50%; post-doc), project collaborator in the ESF-project "Digitization of teaching in the field of mathematics" (25%), and teaching assistant (25%) at the Chair of Psychology of Digital Learning Media, Institute for Media Research, TU Chemnitz
2017 Degree: Doctor Philosophiae in "Media and Instructional Psychology" (Evaluation: summa cum laude)
2013 - 2017 Research Assistant (50%, Prae-Doc) and Lecturer (25%) at the Chair of Psychology of Digital Learning Media, Institute for Media Research, TU Chemnitz.
2013 Degree: Magister in further education and educational technology
2013 Research assistant at the University of Saarbrücken
2012 - 2013 Teaching assistant in the field of teacher education (Studium Fundamentale), University of Erfurt
2012 - 2013 5-month internship at the Chair of Vocational Education and Continuing Education, University of Erfurt
2011 - 2013 Master's degree in further education and educational technology, University of Erfurt
2011 Degree: Bachelor of Arts
2010 - 2011 Student assistant in the field of educational science, University of Erfurt
2008 - 2011 Bachelor studies in Educational Science and English, University of Erfurt
2007 - 2008 Studies of mathematics and theology for teaching profession, TU Dresden

Awards and Nominations

  • Erik De Corte Award awarded in recognition of an early career and promising scholar in the field of Learning and Instruction. (European award for outstanding achievements in the field of research on teaching and learning, prize money: € 1,200.00, 2021)
  • Dissertation Award of the Educational Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (Outstanding achievements in the field of educational psychology, prize money: €1,500.00, 2019).
  • Performance bonus for the special achievements in the field of research and teaching, the acquisition of third-party funding, as well as the implementation of high-profile events at the TU Chemnitz (bonus: 1,100.00€, 2019)
  • Commerzbank Prize of the TU Chemnitz (dissertation prize for outstanding performance; prize money: €1,000.00, 2018)
  • Performance bonus for special achievements in the field of research and teaching, the acquisition of third-party funding, and the implementation of high-profile events at the TU Chemnitz (bonus: 1,500.00€, 2018)
  • Teaching Award of the Institute for Media Research at the Chemnitz University of Technology (2018).

Invited Lectures and Workshops

  • Invited lecture at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Research and Educational Information (DIPF) with the title "Autonomy and Learning", 2021.
  • Keynote lecture at the "3rd Mosbach Teaching Day" with the title "Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning with Media - Introduction to Instructional Design", 2021
  • Keynote lecture at the "3rd Mosbach Teaching Day" with the title "Deepening the design of digital learning media", 2021
  • Invited lecture to the Teaching Hack of the University Didactic Center Saxony with the title "Examinations without supervision and in the digital space? Digital open-book exams using the example of a statistics seminar", 2021
  • Contribution to a panel discussion in the context of the Day of Young Scientists at the TU Chemnitz, 2020
  • Moderation of a panel discussion on the "Days of Digital Higher Education" on the topic "Learning in the digital world. What can/must the university do?" at TU Chemnitz, 2020.
  • Invited Workshop at the meeting of the ERASMUS+ funded project "TEFL-ePal: Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Palestinian HEIs: An e-Learning Initiative that Bridges Educational and Social-Political Gaps" on "Curriculum Planning & Materials Development: Principles of Multimedia Learning", 2020.
  • Keynote lecture and invited workshop on the Day of Teaching with the topic "Designing Teaching and Learning Content" at the Education Support Center at DHBW Mosbach on the topic "Design Principles from Instructional Design", 2020
  • Invited Workshop at the annual conference of the Verband für Psychologielehrerinnen- und lehrer e.V. with the title "Sitzt da eine Person in meinem Computer? Social processes in learning with digital media," 2019
  • Keynote lecture at the professional conference of the Psychology Teachers Association in Halberstadt, Germany, entitled "How people use digital media to engage in social interactions - a look at current teaching/learning research," 2019
  • Invited lecture to the research colloquium of the professorship "Educational and Developmental Psychology" (directed by Alexander Renkl) entitled "The influence of decorative images as retrieval aids in learning and testing with digital media", 2019
  • Keynote lecture at the 31st annual conference of the dvs section of sports pedagogy in Chemnitz, Germany, entitled "Learning-enhancing design of digital media - cognitive foundations and application-oriented examples", 2018
  • Keynote lecture at the symposium "Lesen und Schreiben 4.0 - Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung" (Reading and Writing 4.0 - Opportunities and Challenges in Literacy and Basic Education) of the Koordinierungsstelle Alphabetisierung with the title "Lernen mit (digitalen) Medien - Von den Grundlagen bis zur Gestaltung" (Learning with (Digital) Media - From the Basics to Design), 2018
  • Invited Workshop at the symposium "Reading and Writing 4.0 - Opportunities and Challenges in Literacy and Basic Education" of the Koordinierungsstelle Alphabetisierung with the title "Learning in a digitalized world - Selecting, organizing and integrating information without being overwhelmed", 2018
  • Invited lecture at the post-doc colloquium "Cognitive conflicts in media use" at the Institute for Knowledge Media in Tübingen with the title "Decorative elements in media - superfluous or learning-relevant?", 2018
  • Invited Workshop on in the context of the project "Teaching practice in transfer plus" at the Chemnitz University of Technology with the title "Classroom response systems in university teaching", 2018
  • Invited Workshop on in the context of the project "Teaching Practice in Transfer plus" of the Chemnitz University of Technology with the title "Crash Course Teaching - Cultural Differences in Teaching at Universities in Malaysia and Germany", 2018
  • Invited lecture to the symposium "When is additional information hindering learning? Boundary Conditions of the Coherence Principle" entitled "Harm or Benefit of Anthropomorphizations of Decorative Images in Multimedia Learning Environments." Delivered at the Joint Meeting of the Professional Groups of Developmental and Educational Psychology (PAEPSY), Münster, 2017.
  • Invited lecture to the symposium "Working Group: Relationships between Social Factors and Performance Measures in Everyday School Life - Claim or Reality?" entitled "How much "social" is there in multimedia learning materials?" held at the DGPs Congress in Leipzig, 2016.