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Institute of Education

Funding project focus_innovation

Funding project of the university teaching support program focus_innovation in cooperation with the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching and Studies for the conceptual (further) development of innovative design options in teaching

The Educational Technology research group is realising a project to further develop teaching in the introductory phase of studies in cooperation with the Department of Teaching Development at the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Studies at the University of Zurich. The project is financed by the focus_innovation funding line of the University Teaching Fund with the goal of researching the development of study programs and teaching about innovative (further) development opportunities for digitalization. The project aims to analyze the introductory phase for students regarding various innovation opportunities to conceptually enhance the introduction to the subject areas and the socialization of students. To this end, various quantitative experiments will be conducted to analyze the design possibilities of digital learning media for fostering cognitive, emotional, motivational, and social processes in the learning process.

Project Leadership: Prof. Dr. Sascha Schneider
Project Members: Dr. Tino Endres