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Institute of Education

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023 Postdoc at the chair of Historical Research in Education and Governance of the Education System, Institute of Education, University of Zurich
since 2015 Teacher at the School of Education, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Solothurn
2018–2023 Project staff member in a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), located at the chair of Historical Research in Education and Governance of the Education System, Institute of Education, University of Zurich
2022 Dr. phil. in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Univesity of Zurich
2021 Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Higher Education, University of Zurich
2017–2018 Teaching and Research Assistant, Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel
2014–2017 M.A. in Educational Sciences, University of Basel
2014–2017 Teacher at primary and secondary schools
2011–2014 B.A. in Primary Education, University of Teacher Education Graubünden (PHGR)
prior to that Apprenticeship as planner for heating systems, professional general qualification for university entrance and several years of professional experiance as a planer for heating systems

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