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Institute of Education

Johannes  Jud

Johannes Jud, Dr. phil.

  • Projektmitarbeiter / Project Assistant
+41 44 634 66 22
Kantonsschulstrasse 3, 8001 Zürich
Room number

Research Focus and Interests

  • Self-regulated learning
  • Professional competences of teachers
  • Motivation


Since 08/2020 Conferral of a doctorate in educational sciences, Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel
2016-2018 Teaching diploma for upper secondary education with integrated qualification in vocational education, School of Education Bern
2014-2018 MSc in Geography, University of Bern
2010-2013 BSc in Geography (minor: VWL), University of Fribourg


Career to Date

2023-today Project assistant at the department of Upper Secondary Education with Special Focus on Research on Teaching and Education, Institute of Education (IfE), University of Zurich (UZH)
2021-2023 External instructor at the School of Education, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
2020-2023 Academic associate at the Chair for Learning and Instruction, Institute of Secondary Education, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
2019-2020 Teacher at secondary school level I
2017-2018 Substitute teacher at various upper secondary schools
2016-2018 Research assistant at the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET)