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A central concern of our Chair of Upper Secondary Education and Research on Teaching and Learning is to promote sustainable education in the sense of lifelong learning. We focus on supporting self-regulated learning, developing positive mindsets, and strengthening learners motivation. At the same time, we place great emphasis on the continuous development of teachers' professional competences and the promotion of generic skills among learners to adapt in an increasingly digitized world.
DioR - Diagnosis of Self-Regulation
Level Up Your Teaching: A Serious Game for Developing Self-Regulated-Learning
BelLe – Supported and Self-Regulated Learning in Schools
SeReNe – Self-Regulation Network
REval – Revising and Evaluating argumentative texts in grade 7
E-CER: EARLI – Centre for Excellence in Research
SRLCN – Supporting Self-Regulated Learning Across International Contexts and Networks
ProCoS – Professional Competences in Self-Regulated Learning
CoKoS S1 – Computer-Based Competence Diagnostics in Self-Regulated Learning
Neural Correlates of Growth-Oriented Mindsets of Elementary School Children (A Lot Going on at the Zoo)
Strengthening Interdisciplinary Competences
AYLA- Amend Your Learning Ability
SeReLiDiS – International Network: Self-Regulated Learning in Digitized Schools