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In einer Praxis-Forschungs-Kooperation mit Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerteams aus fünf Schulen der Sekundarstufe II wurde ein Konzept für die Umsetzung sozio-ökologischer Umweltbildung in die Schulpraxis entwickelt.
Sozio-ökologische Umweltbildung basiert auf folgenden Überlegungen:
Die Ergebnisse zeigen anschaulich, wie sozio-ökologische Umweltbildung in der Schulpraxis realisiert werden kann.
Socio-ecological approaches build on the assumption that the individual change concept of environmental education and a predominant natural science perspective on environmental problems are simplifications and do not form adequate approaches to the multilayered challenge of environmental problems. The notion “socio-ecological” has been founded on findings from case studies in secondary schools, which gave a strong argument for environmental education focused on critical reflection of real life situations regarding the interface of social and natural sciences.
Socio-ecological approaches are:
constructive: learners and researchers construct and re-construct knowledge on the basis of their own inquiries and case studies, and adopt environmental problems as socially constructed
reflective: learners and researchers approach learning processes as reflection on ways of knowing and mediating knowledge
critical: learners and researchers approach phenomenon and notions of environmental problems in critical and relational dimensions, including questioning historical and future perspectives
participatory: learners, teachers and researchers cooperatively interact while being aware of different interests and needs (Kyburz-Graber, 2013, p.24)