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Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft

Form-it – Take Part in Research, EU-Projekt

There is deep concern about the quality of science teaching, the low level of scientific literacy, and the low attractiveness of careers in science and technology (S&T). A closer, authentic contact between researchers, teachers, and pupils or students can improve these areas. “Form-it – Take Part in Research” connected European experts working with and on new didactic concepts for science teaching.
The project assembled twelve partners from universities and research institutions, ministries, foundations, and education (research) organisations, all of them either practicing, financing or having expertise in science education using collaborative approaches. A Research and Education Cooperation (REC) is a cooperation between at least one research partner (e.g., public or private science or technology research institutes, museums, individual researchers) and at least one educational partner (e.g., schools, individual teachers, pupils or students, teacher education, school authorities).
First, “Form-it” looked at 159 cooperative projects in the eight partner member states - Austria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland (survey leader), and UK - to document the situation and variety of research and education cooperation (REC) in Europe. From the sample of the survey, a Catalogue of Good Practice Examples was compiled. Furthermore, Practical Guidelines for Teachers and Researchers for initiating, realising and embedding REC were formulated. A joint paper is addressed to national and European decision-makers within the educational system and the research community to support the realisation of this innovative form of science education.


Gerloff-Gasser, Christine, Peter, Jann & Regula Kyburz-Graber (eds.) 2007. Report on Research and Education Cooperations in Europe.
De Haan, Gerhard & Jana Huck (eds.) 2008. Recommendations for Policy-makers.
De Haan, Gerhard & Robert Lorenz (eds.) 2008. Practical Guidelines for Teachers and Researchers.