Peter Rieker, Prof. Dr.
- Professor für Ausserschulische Bildung und Erziehung / Professor of Extracurricular Education
- Programmdirektor Erziehungswissenschaft / Program Director Educational Science
- Phone
- +41 44 634 45 61
Daniel Werner, lic. phil.
- Sekretariat Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. P. Rieker / Chair Office Prof. Dr. P. Rieker
- Phone
- +41 44 634 45 99
Fränzi Buser, MA
- Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 634 27 79
Johanna Egli , MA
- Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 634 27 55
Albiona Hajdari, MA
- Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
Dorothea Nagel Ewald, MA
- Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
Giovanna Hartmann Schaelli, MA
- Projektmitarbeiterin / Project Assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 634 45 77
Jessica Lütgens, Dr. phil.
- Projektmitarbeitern / Project Assistant
- Phone
- +41 44 634 27 97
Daria Aebersold, BA
- Hilfsassistentin / Student Assistant