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Institute of Education


Das Wohl der Kinder und die Selbstbestimmung der Eltern

The welfare of children and the self-determination of parents
A Qualitative Study on Social Pedagogical Family Support in Switzerland

(Summary in English, publication in German)
The best interests of the child and the self-determination of the parents are mutually related in social pedagogical family support. Based on autonomy theory considerations, this study uses an ethnographic approach to examine how the self-determination of parents is negotiated between the actors involved, based on two families in Switzerland. Situationally and in the longer-term course of the measure, it is shown how the parents use the possibilities for self-determination that remain to them despite the encroachments on their privacy.

Further information

Von drinnen nach draußen - und dann?

From inside to outside - and then?
Reintegration after a Criminal Conviction - Results of a Qualitative Longitudinal Study

(Summary in English, Publication in German)
Persons sentenced by criminal law to prison or to treatment in a measure are confronted with various requirements in order to reintegrate into society. This study focuses on the different courses of such reintegration. Men of different ages were interviewed four times over a period of five years. The results show that social reintegration and the establishment of a self-determined life are more or less successful, depending on the biographical resources, the accuracy of the support offered, and the extent and quality of involvement in work and social relationships.

Further information

In Beziehung treten: Etablierungsprozesse von Beratungs- und Arbeitsbeziehungen im Feld der aufsuchenden Sozialen Arbeit

Entering into Relationship: Establishing processes of counseling and working relationships in the field of outreach social work. An ethnography in the context of prostitution

(Summary in English, Publication in German)
The discourse on prostitution is accompanied by normative implications for social work as a welfare state support instance. Based on this, Rebecca Mörgen's ethnography focuses on visits of outreach social work in the working environment of sex workers. The study analyzes how working and counseling relationships in the context of prostitution are established and shaped in their social, spatial, and material conditions. The processes of establishing working relationships are reconstructed as bodily-bodily events.

Further information

Geschlossene Institutionen – Theoretische und empirische Einsichten

Closed Institutions – Theoretical and Empirical Insights

(Summary in Englisch, publication in German)
Closed institutions, as for example prisons, psychiatric hospitals, and asylums, represent social ideas of order which are constituted and maintained by locking up individuals that have been labelled as troublesome. In this anthology, current research on closed institutions is gathered that features different theoretical and empirical points of view. The correlations between structural facts, interaction patterns, and subjective manners of processing closedness are focused upon. In doing so, the analyses of historical and recent contexts illustrate the dynamics of change and continuity in this tension-filled field.
Further information can be found here: Geschlossene Institutionen - Closed Institutions

Junge arbeitslose Männer in der Sanktionsspirale

Young Unemployed Men Stuck in the Sanction Loop

(Summary in Englisch, pubication in German)

The state addresses unemployment among youth in a special way: A plus of “support” is confronted with a plus of “demanding”. Violations of duty entail notable cuts in benefits that have a drastic impact on the everyday lives of the persons concerned. Based on biographic case reconstructions, psycho-social conflict dynamics of young men are analyzed who were sanctioned multiple times. In the analyzed cases, the interplay between structural contradictions and subjective ambivalences leads into the “sanction loop”, invariably pushing it forward.

Mehrsprachigkeit als soziale Praxis

Multilingualism as Social Practice

(Summary in English, publication in German)
The study analysis linguistic practices and biographic narrations of adolescents and examines how linguistic affiliations and differences are negotiated within a multilinguistic context. For that reason, ethnographical and biographical perspectives are combined. Within the framework of the survey, students of a bilingual high school class in Switzerland were observed and interviewed. Social settings of differences and constructions of affiliation are analyzed in their situative and biographic dimensions through reconstructing the observed linguistic practices but also the (linguistically) biographic experiences of the adolescents.

Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in vergleichender Perspektive

Participation of Children and Youths from a Comparative Perspective
Requirements – Possibilities – Limitations

(Summary in English, publication in German)

So far, opportunities and challenges of participation by adolescents have hardly been addressed. In this anthology, research projects are presented that discuss questions connected to this academic void on different levels.
Participation of children and youths has been a widely discussed topic in public and academia. Involving adolescents in decision making processes relevant to themselves should support political socialization and social learning processes as well as democratize decision making processes. With regard to children and youths, the questions arise of how to reach these goals and what the opportunities and challenges are in connection with participation. Within the framework of this volume, recent research projects from different contexts are presented that discuss questions concerning requirements and possibilities of participation from different perspectives.
Further information can be found here: Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in vergleichender Perspektive / Participation of Children and Youths from a Comparative Perspective

Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendichen

Participation of Children and Youths – Forms, Requirements, and Possibilities of Contribution and Codetermination in Switzerland

(Summary in English, publication in German)

The study focuses on possibilities regarding participation that are at the children’s and youths’ disposal in families, schools, and communities. In these different areas, the realizations of participation and codetermination are characterized by various charged relationships and they are ascribed different values by the involved actors. The study has a multimethod and multi-perspective design and reacts to the requirements and dynamics of participation of children and youths and identifies challenges that arise within the various contexts of growing up in regard to participation.
Further information can be found here: Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendichen / Participation of Children and Youths

Mehrsprachigkeit und (Un-)Gesagtes

Multilingualism and the (Un)Said – Language as Social Practice in Migration Societies

(Summary in English, publication in German)

How much is (un)said through language? In, with, and through language, social reality is constructed and multilinguistic practices are accompanied by socially effective, historical-culturally produced practices of positioning and differentiation, the result of which is quite often social inequality. In the anthology at hand, language is thematized interdisciplinary, not only in its explicit denotation as a means to communicate but most of all as an implicit carrier of powerful processes of attribution and structuring.

Hilfe zum Ausstieg?

Assisted Leaving? Approaches and Experiences of Professional Services for Leaving Right-Wing Extremist Scenes

(Summary in English, publication in German)

Professional services that support processes of leaving right-wing extremist scenes exist for some time in Germany – nevertheless, there is a lack of substantial information regarding these approaches, their potential, and limitations. The anthology at hand reflects on experiences from implementing exit work and research results of processes and successes thereof.

Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in der Schweiz

Open Youth Work in Switzerland
Theoretical Perspectives – Challenges in Youth Policy – Empirical Findings

(Summary in English, publication in German)

This volume offers an overview of the open youth work’s current situation in Switzerland and its challenges at the present time. In doing so, theoretical-conceptional reference points are discussed as well as developmental perspectives. In addition, the volume depicts the status quo of youth politics as well as their weak points and their potentials and relates them to open youth work. Finally, recent research results concerning open youth work in Switzerland are presented and discussed.

Hilfe! Strafe!

Support! Punishment! Contemplations on a Charged Relationship of Professional Conduct
Support and punishment play a central role in different contexts of professional conduct. They interrelate with each other in a charged relationship that influences the development of this conduct decisively depending on socio-political and disciplinary frameworks. The contributions of this anthology thematized these developments and their consequences for educational processes from a historical, system comparative, ethnological, social science and education science point of view.
