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Institute of Education

Nina Wenger

Nina Wenger, MA

  • Projektmitarbeiterin / Project Assistant with Master Degree
+41 44 634 66 16
Freiestrasse 36, 8032 Zürich
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Since Feb. 2022 Doctorate in educational science (thesis: “Participation in Employment-Related Education and Employment under the Condition of Disability – A Question of “Luck” and “Chance?” (Dissertation in German)) at the University of Zurich
Sept. 2019 - Aug. 2021 Master of Arts in Special Needs Education at the University of Teacher Education Bern
Sept. 2013 - Aug. 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Primary and Primary Education at the University of Teacher Education Bern
Sept. 2012 - Aug. 2013 Basic year of Bachelor program in Environmental Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Aug. 2008 - July 2012 Swiss Federal Baccalaureate (university entrance qualification) with the specialized subject biology and chemistry at the Gymnasium in Interlaken

Career to Date

Since Feb. 2022 Doctoral Student und research assistant in the research project “Governance: Cohesion and Context (GoCC)”, a subproject of the Innosuisse flagship project “Swiss Circular Economies of Skills and Competences (SCESC)” at the University of Zurich
Oct. 2021 - Jan. 2022 Research assistant at the Institute for Special Needs Education at the University of Teacher Education Bern
Aug. 2021 - Jan. 2022 Assistant in data collection in the research project «Settings for the Development of Graphomotor-Skills» of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) at the University of Teacher Education Bern
Aug. 2020 - July 2021 Teacher for special needs education in Köniz (BE)
Aug. 2019 - July 2020 Practical training and substitute teacher for special needs education at various Swiss schools
Aug. 2016 - July 2019 Primary school teacher at the primary school in Mühlefeld, Biel (BE)

Research interests

Employment biographies, employment-related education, participation in further education, educational decisions, transitions, subjectivation processes, disability, inclusion research, educational governance


  • “Teilnahme durch ‘Glück’ und ‘Zufall?’ Ein Beitrag zur Teilnahme von Menschen mit Behinderungen an erwerbsbezogener Weiterbildung” (i.e. “Participation through ‘Luck’ and ‘Chance?’ A Contribution to the Participation of People with Disabilities in Employment-Related Further Education”), annual conference of the GERA (German Educational Research Association) vocational education division on the topic “Teilhabe durch Teilnahme? Erwachsenenbildung und Weiterbildung zwischen Partizipation und Exklusion” (i.e. “Sharing in through Participation? Adult Education and Continuing Education between Participation and Exclusion”), Essen, September 27, 2024
  • “Erwerbsbezogene Bildung und Erwerbstätigkeit von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag im Schnittfeld von Weiterbildungs- und Inklusionsforschung” (i.e. “Employment-Related Education and Employment of People with Disabilities. An Interdisciplinary Contribution at the Intersection of Continuing Education and Inclusion Research”), annual conference of the GERA (German Educational Research Association) special education division on the topic “Sonderpädagogik – intra- und interdisziplinär!?” (i.e. “Special Education – Intra- and Interdisciplinary!?”), Dortmund, September 25, 2024.
  • “Erwerbsbezogene Bildung und Entscheidungen in Erwerbsbiografien von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung im Kontext von gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen” (i.e. “Employment-Related Education and Decisions in Employment Biographies of People with Disabilities in the Context of Social Changes”), annual congress of the SGBF (Swiss Society for Research and Education) on the topic “Transversale Kompetenzen in der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung: vom Diskurs zur Praxis” (i.e. “Transversal Competences in Education and Training: From Discourse to Practice”), Locarno, June 27, 2024.
  •  “Erwerbsbiografien von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen im Kontext von Veränderungen in erwerbsbezogener Bildung und Arbeitswelt” (i.e. “Employment Biographies of People with Disabilities in the Context of Changes in Employment-Related Education and the Work Environment”), 37th annual conference of inclusion researchers on the topic “Inklusion. Resilienz. Lernende Systeme” (i.e. “Inclusion. Resilience. Learning Systems”), Graz, February 28, 2024.
  • “Wie gestalten Menschen mit einer Beeinträchtigung ihre Erwerbsbiografie?”(i.e. “How Do People with a Disability Shape Their Employment Biography?) (Poster contribution), Annual conference of the GERA (German Educational Research Association) adult education division on the topic “Erwachsenenbildung und Nachhaltigkeit” (i.e. “Adult Education and Sustainability”), Munich, September 09, 2023.
  • “Zur Untersuchung von Behinderungsprozessen in Erwerbsbiografien von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen im Kontext von Veränderungen in erwerbsbezogener Bildung und Arbeitswelt” (i.e. “On the Investigation of Disability Processes in Employment Biographies of People with Disabilities in the Context of Changes in Employment-Related Education and the Work Environment.”), Annual congress of the SGBF (Swiss Society for Research and Education), the SGL (i.e. Swiss Society for Teacher Education), and the PHZH (Zurich University of Teacher Education) on the topic “Zeiten des Umbruchs? Bildung zwischen Persistenz und Wandel” (i.e. “Times of Upheaval? Education between Persistence and Change”), Zurich, June 29, 2023.