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Institute of Education

Luiza Vafina

Luiza Vafina, MA

  • Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
+41 44 634 45 62
Freiestrasse 36, 8032 Zürich
Room number

Research Interests

  • Childhood Studies
  • Family relationships, esp. sibling relationships
  • Family power relationships
  • Children’s Well-Being Research
  • Research with the use of qualitative methods

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since March 2023: PhD student and project collaborator in the project "WoKidS – Children’s Well-Being in German-Speaking Switzerland" as part of the international project "CUWB – Children's Understandings of Well-Being" (
  • Master's Thesis on the topic "Contribution of Sibling Relationships to Children's Subjective Well-Being" (2022)
  • Master Studies in Educational Science (focus on Social Pedagogy) at the University of Zurich (2020-2023)
  • Semester and Project Assistant at the Chair of Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Zurich (2021-2023)
  • Voluntary service as a school teaching assistant (CH) (2019-2020)
  • Journalism Studies at Saint Petersburg State University (RU), graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (2014-2018).


Auf welche Art und Weise thematisieren Kinder ihre Geschwisterbeziehungen mit Blick auf ihr subjektives Wohlbefinden?
Vortrag zum Stand der Dissertation im Doktorierendenkolloquium moderiert von Prof. Dr. Doris Bühler-Niederberger
21. September 2023, online

Kindliche Perspektiven auf schulische Gerechtigkeit in den Narrationen
über ihr subjektives Wohlbefinden

Vortrag zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Catrin Heite (Universität Zürich) auf dem Jahreskongress 2023 der  SGBF und der SGL «Zeiten des Umbruchs? Bildung zwischen Persistenz und Wandel»
28.-30. Juni 2023, Zürich, Schweiz  

Ethical Reflexivity in Participatory Research with Children
A presentation together with MA Andrea Riepl, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Catrin Heite (University of Zurich), Dr. Anne Ramos (University of Fribourg, CH), Nina Bingham, Julia Steiner, Alexandra Taras (University of Zurich) and Yara Küng (University of Bern) at the Online Working Meeting of “Children’s Understandings of Well-Being” (CUWB) network.
15.-17. June 2023, online

The Importance of Sibling Relationships to Children’s Subjective Well-Being
Guest Seminar at the University of Fribourg (CH)
17th April 2023, Freiburg/Fribourg, Switzerland

“One doesn’t have much time to see friends, but one should take time for it” –Friends and Time in the Context of Children’s Well-Being
A presentation together with Dr. Anne Ramos (University of Fribourg, CH) and MA Andrea Riepl (University of Zurich), on behalf of Prof. Dr. Catrin Heite (University of Zurich), at the Annual Conference of the Commission for Social Pedagogy in the DGfE [Subdivision Social Pedagogy/ Education and Social Work] “Social Pedagogy*s Time*s”.
23.-25. March 2023, Rostock, Germany