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Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft

Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education – Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Welcome Message by the Symposium’s Chair

We are delighted to invite you to join us for this groundbreaking symposium, where we will explore the transformative potential of AI in shaping the future of education from interdisciplinary perspectives. In an era of rapid technological advancement, AI has emerged as a powerful force that drives innovation, efficiency, and personalized learning experiences across educational settings globally.
This symposium aims to bring together academics, educators, researchers, policy makers, and industry professionals to engage in insightful discussions, share best practices, and collaborate on cutting-edge research and initiatives at the intersection of AI and education. Through a series of thought-provoking panels, workshops, and presentations, participants will explore key themes, including changing education paradigms, teaching methods, learning management systems, assessment techniques, and more, from philosophical, pedagogical, and technological viewpoints.
Whether you are a seasoned AI expert, an educator passionate about leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes, or a policy maker shaping the future of education, this symposium offers a unique platform to connect with like-minded professionals, gain valuable insights, and contribute to shaping the future of AI-powered education.
Join us in this exciting journey as we navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in education and strive to create a more inclusive, innovative, and equitable educational landscape for all.

Prof. Dr. Roland Reichenbach

Date and Venue

Date: Friday 06th September 2024 – 09:00–16:00
Venue: University of Zurich, main building: KOL-G-217; Zoom: (the link will be provided well in advance)


University of Zurich, Switzerland
University of Leicester, UK

Attendance Modes

In Person

Join us at the University of Zurich’s main building for an immersive experience where you can engage with speakers, network with fellow attendees, and participate in interactive sessions and workshops. Experience firsthand the energy and excitement of being part of a dynamic community passionate about exploring the intersection of AI and education.


For those unable to attend in person, we offer a virtual attendance option that allows you to participate in the symposium remotely from anywhere in the world. Access live-streamed sessions, engage in real-time discussions, and connect with speakers and attendees through our virtual platform. Experience the symposium from the comfort of your home or office while you still can benefit from the valuable insights and networking opportunities it offers.


The objectives of the symposium are as follows:

Highlighting the Opportunities and Challenges of AI in Education
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, AI presents both incredible opportunities and challenges. By leveraging AI technologies, educational institutions can enhance personalized learning experiences, improve administrative efficiency, and foster innovative teaching methods. However, navigating the complexities of integrating AI into education requires a thoughtful approach to address potential challenges, including ethical considerations, data privacy, and ensuring equitable access to technology.

Sharing the Best Practices on How to Face AI in Education
To effectively harness the power of AI in education, it is crucial to share best practices and insights that guide educators and institutions in implementing AI-driven solutions. This includes strategies for selecting and integrating AI tools that align with educational goals, training faculty and staff on AI technologies, and continuously evaluating the impact of AI initiatives on student learning outcomes.

Helping Academics and Students to Change/Improve Their Current Educational/Learning Practice
In the era of AI, empowering academics and students to adapt and evolve their educational and learning practices is paramount. This involves providing training and resources to enhance digital literacy skills, fostering a growth mindset towards embracing technological advancements, and creating collaborative environments where educators and learners can co-create innovative solutions leveraging AI technologies.

Target Audiences

The target audiences of this symposium are as follows:

Academics in Different Departments and Universities
Our initiatives aim to engage academics across various disciplines and universities, providing them with valuable insights and resources to navigate the integration of AI in education. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we encourage the exchange of ideas and best practices, enabling academics to leverage AI technologies effectively in their respective fields of study.

K12-teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of education. Our programs and resources are designed to support K12-teachers in understanding and implementing AI-driven educational tools and methodologies. Through professional development opportunities, workshops, and training sessions, we aim to equip K12-teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes using AI technologies.

PhD Candidates
For PhD candidates exploring innovative research topics in the realm of AI and education, we offer mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to cutting-edge resources. Our goal is to nurture the next generation of scholars and researchers, empowering them to contribute impactful research that advances the field of AI in education.

Policy Makers in the Area of Education
Engaging policy makers is essential to drive systemic change and foster an enabling environment for the integration of AI in education. We collaborate with policy makers to inform evidence-based policy decisions, advocate for equitable access to AI technologies, and promote policies that support innovation and excellence in education.

Institutions/Businesses in the Area of Education
We partner with educational institutions and businesses to co-create solutions and strategies that leverage AI to address challenges and seize opportunities in the education sector. By fostering collaborations between academia and industry, we aim to drive innovation, enhance educational outcomes, and shape the future of AI-powered education.

Symposium Panels

1. Changing Education Paradigms in Light of AI; Philosophical Perspectives:
This panel explores the transformative impact of AI on traditional education paradigms. We delve into the philosophical implications of integrating AI technologies in educational settings, examining how AI challenges and reshapes our understanding of teaching, learning, and knowledge acquisition. Through engaging discussions, we aim to foster critical thinking and debate on the evolving role of AI in shaping the future of education.

2. Changing Teaching Methods and Learning Styles in Light of AI:
As AI continues to revolutionize the educational landscape, it necessitates a re-evaluation and adaptation of teaching methods and learning styles. This panel examines the theoretical underpinnings of these changes, exploring how AI-driven personalized learning experiences, adaptive learning technologies, and interactive platforms influence pedagogical approaches and student engagement. Participants will gain insights into innovative strategies and best practices for leveraging AI in teaching and learning.

3. Integration of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) with AI Tools:
The integration of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) with AI tools presents promising opportunities to enhance educational efficiency, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. This panel discusses the theoretical and practical implications and ethical considerations of this integration, exploring the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI-powered LMSs. Participants will learn about cutting-edge technologies, trends, and strategies for effectively integrating AI tools into existing LMS platforms.

4. Changing Assessment and Evaluation Methods in Light of AI:
The advent of AI in education has paved the way for innovative assessment and evaluation methods that offer insights into student learning and performance. This panel delves into the perspectives on these changes, examining how AI-driven assessment tools, analytics, and data-driven insights are reshaping our approach to evaluating student outcomes. Participants will explore the ethical considerations, best practices, and transformative potential of AI-powered assessment methods in fostering equitable and meaningful evaluations.

Symposium Speakers

The list of symposium speakers will be completed over the next weeks. Thus far, the speakers below have confirmed their attendance and presentations at the symposium.
Prof. Dr. Roland Reichenbach, Institute of Education, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Nicolaj van der Meulen, University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Steve Jacques, University of Leicester, UK
Ms. Terese Bird – University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Roberto Simanowski
Prof. Davood Masoomi, University of Gavle, Sweden
Prof. Neil Selwyn, University of Monash
Dr. Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh
Prof. Abasalt Khorasani

Registration for the AI-Symposium 2024 (06th September 2024)

I am happy to take part in the event. Participation is free of charge.

Registration Form

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