Roland Reichenbach, Prof. Dr.
- Professor für Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft / Professor of General Education Studies
- Tel.
- +41 44 634 45 99 (Sekretariat)
Daniel Werner, lic. phil.
- Sekretariat Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. R. Reichenbach / Chair Office Prof. Dr. R. Reichenbach
- Tel.
- +41 44 634 45 99
Anna Park, Dr. phil.
- Postdoktorandin / Postdoc
- Tel.
- +41 44 634 27 41
Eleonora Wicki, MA
- Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
Alexis Elmar Scoob-Görner, MA
- Assistent / Teaching and research Assistant
- Tel.
- +41 44 634 27 47
Tabea Peter, BA
- Hilfsassistentin / Student Assistant