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Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft


Recognition and Epistemic Justice: The Case of Disability (Workshop, June, 10th-11th 2024)

The workshop delves into the philosophical interplay between recognition theory and contemporary epistemic theories of justice. It employs the lens of disability—a subject that presents profound philosophical quandaries to both domains of thought. Disability stands at the crossroads of theory and praxis, offering a unique vantage point from which to examine and interrogate these theories' foundational assumptions and applications.
Through this lens, the workshop explores the following questions: How do the concepts of recognition and epistemic justice manifest within the context of disability? How can these theories inform and be informed by the experiences of disabled persons? The workshop not only aims to shed light on the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of recognition and epistemic justice but also seeks to evaluate their efficacy and relevance in addressing the real-world challenges faced by people with disabilities.

Flyer (Program (PDF, 272 KB))

Contributors are: Amandine Catala, Université du Québec à Montréal, Matthew Congdon, Vanderbilt University, Heikki Ikäheimo, UNSW, Sydney, Krystina Schaub, University of Zurich, Elisabeth Haas, University of Vienna, Nina Streeck, University of Zurich, Franziska Felder, University of Zurich (Organizer)
Please send registrations to Places are limited. 

Veranstaltungen (Seminar Series FS 2024)

Veranstaltungen 2023

Recognition: Conceptual Contours and Contemporary Challenges (12-14 June 2023)

Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Dipesh Chakrabarty an der Universität Zürich am 13. Juni 2023 (18.00-19.30 Uhr). Climate, Justice, and Questions of Identity (PNG, 267 KB)